Saturday, May 15, 2010

Sunshine Award

I would like to thank the academy and my husband and my children... :) So, I have received my very first blog award, the Sunshine Award, from my cousin, Denise!

The Sunshine Award is passed on to blogger's that inspire others and show positivity and creativity.

These are the blogs that I enjoy reading the most. They have great suggestions and usually make me smile! It's great to catch up on their blogs when I need a laugh, smile or a little inspiration:

1. For You by Dee, my cousin's design blog-she has helped me out with countless collages, scrapbooks, invitations and even designed pillowcases for my boys!

2. EnJOIAble Desserts, my sister-in-law's dessert blog...YUM! She makes the best desserts and posts lots of pictures which I love.

3. Beyond Laundry, while still in it's infancy stage, this is my good friend, Angela's blog, that focuses all on the abundant life that we can live as young moms...Beyond Laundry!

4. Learning to Love What's Good, is a blog written by my friend, Amanda, who is successfully on a weight loss journey. She coined this journey, "learning to love what's good for me" versus calling it a "diet".

5. Baby Cheapskate has great deals for baby items including price comparisons on large ticket items (strollers, car seats, etc.)

6. Rocks in my Dryer, another mom's blog that I love to read every once in a while-she is a great writer and I enjoy reading what she has to say.

7. iHeartCVS, the blog that inspired me to really get into CVSing. The best part of it to read is the CVS for newbies section for a great explanation of what CVSing is all about.

Please comment and share any other great blogs that I may be missing out on!!!

For those that were nominated (or if you would want to do a post and nominate people), you should go and nominate more blogs!!!

Here are the suggestions for the Award:
1. Put the logo within your blog or on your post
2. Pass the award onto 10 fellow bloggers
3. Link the nominees within your post
4. Let the nominees know they have received this award by commenting on their blog
5. Share the love and link to the person whom you received this award from.


Ang. said...

You just put a fire under my butt and I wrote something other than a book review! You are a sweet friend.

denise said...

awe, thanks for the shout-out!